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Start at the Boxers NYC, a famous sports bar with a great happy hour. Once you've found the perfect outfit, it's time to hit the nightlife. Macy's is the largest store in the world with an area of more than two-million square feet, so devote a good couple of hours here. There are always art openings, and more often than not, entrance is free, as well as the wine! As far as shopping is concerned, Chelsea is home to Macy’s (Herald Square, 34th and Broadway). Despite this history, it's Chelsea that holds the torch as the gayest neighborhood in New York.Ĭhelsea is comprised of brownstones, luxury apartments, and plenty of famous art galleries. It's here where the gay civil rights movement started after the riot in 1969. From Brooklyn to Hell’s Kitchen to Greenwich Village, and the popular West Village, where the famous Stonewall Bar is located. Indeed, there are plenty of gay places throughout the city. With such a robust community, it's clear that New York's population is one of the most gay-friendly in the world. New York is a magnet for gays, with the LGBT community representing an estimated 500,000 people. The city that never sleeps is also known as the city of opportunity.

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